More security question answers. Remember: please only use these if I am unavailable to give you access to all my money directly.
What was the name of your elementary school?
I wasn’t a military brat, but I did move around a bit when I was a child, so this question is a fun challenge when you only get three tries before getting locked out of your account for some period of time.
Here are your choices: Rose Hill, Union Valley, Prosperity, Roosevelt.
Good luck!
What is your favorite place to visit?
I can tell you it’s not the doctor. My children love going to the doctor. Well, they love going anywhere until we get there and Santa isn’t around. Then, they hate being there. So, to recap: they love going, and hate being, anywhere. Anywhere. Toddlers are great fun.
Me? If I could go anywhere, I suppose it would be that resort in Jamaica. I plan to establish a permanent residence there as soon as the kids are married off with all the blogging scratch I’m pulling in.
What sports team do you love to see lose?
It used to be the Yankees, but lately it’s been a little sad to see the Bronx boys struggle despite such large payrolls. This past offseason, there was a chance the Royals could have played the Yankees instead of the Astros, and I thought it would have been cool to beat our old nemesis on the way to a world championship. I’ll be honest, though. It was great fun to win no matter who we played.
What is the last name of your favorite historical figure?
Wait. Is this a thing? Do most people have a favorite historical figure? Do I have to go with a big gun like Lincoln, or MLK Jr.? What about one of those guys in an old-timey photo of a construction site?
You know, the doofus staring at the camera and looking all serious because it takes a week to develop one picture and they can’t take another one. That guy with the mustache. Forever preserved not following instructions to keep his eye on the mayor. He’s my favorite.
To be continued… (Yes, there are many more)
Photo credit: Toronto Public Library Special Collections via / CC BY-SA