I figured the Internet was a safe place to keep all of the answers to security questions my bank asks me. I’ll need to be able to google these at some point, I’m sure.
What is the name of your favorite city?
Hmm… A tough one right off the bat. I mean, I was born in St. Louis, so I should be pretty fond of that place, but I’ve been living in Los Angeles for pretty much all of my adult life. Met my wife here. Had two kids here. Plan on staying here until I die, probably.
Let’s go with Paris. The movies make it seem nice.
What city were you in to celebrate the year 2000?
I was in North Hollywood. It was anti-climactic. I don’t wish to remember this. Can we say I was in New Zealand and saw Y2K hysteria fall away sooner than the rest of the world?
What is your favorite food?
Seriously? I’m going to remember this when I’m locked out of my account and just want to know if I have enough in checking to cover off on an extra round of sake on date night? My favorite food at that moment will be sushi. My favorite food right now is granola, because I was starving and had a breakfast bar in my bag. Sure, it was covered in ants, but I ate it anyway. Because, I was hungry and it was my favorite thing in the world.
What is the last name of your favorite author?
Elmore Leonard. No. Shakespeare. No, who am I kidding. The guy who writes Garfield. Oh, I mean me. H.G. Miller. That guy’s great.
What is your favorite game?
Nothing beats the 2015 American League Wild Card Game. Too long? Does anybody ever put Uno?
What is the name of your favorite restaurant?
How can I be expected to choose from all of the fine eateries that I frequent as a connoisseur of delectable bites day and night? McDonalds.
What was your first job?
I used to mow the lawn for my grandma for 20 bucks. I didn’t report it to the IRS, though, so maybe that doesn’t count. Is the term fry cook capitalized due to its importance in the new economy?
To be continued…