- Best Buy is in hot water with the American Family Association for running an ad that wishes followers of Islam a “Happy Eid Al-Adha.” The group has also singled out The Gap for celebrating all of the winter holidays, Wal-Mart for using an asterisk in their logo instead of a cross and aisle 13 of the local grocery store for selling Devil’s Food chocolate cake mix.
- The Wall Street Journal has published a story that claims President Obama is playing more golf than basketball lately, and therefore might be going “soft.” Not to be outdone, the Washington Post quickly published a photo of the President wearing sweatpants to show that he has completely given up on fixing the economy.
- A professor at USC has spent four years developing the alien language used in James Cameron’s new movie, Avatar. He hopes that the new language will someday become as popular as Klingon. Then, he’ll be able to pick up hot girls at all the clubs.